First day of classes, and I am reminded how tedious school is. At work, if something needs doing, I do it. At school, if something needs doing, someone has to explain and re-explain and answer questions and lay out criteria while simultaneously holding the hand of and shoving a pacifier in the mouth of ninety infantilized students....it was awesome...
...or something like that.
I am pretty excited by a few of the courses though. Cultural Anthropology sounds like an awesome class with an awesome professor who hates busy work. That makes two of us, so bonus. The other is my creative nonfiction writing class. The professor is the kind of hard ass teacher that ends up really forcing you to do your best, and I really thrive in that environment. It also sounds like we're going to get a lot of freedom and do a lot of writing. I may, over the course of the semester, use my blog posts as informal writing assignments for this class. We'll see how that goes.
I will have to work on one rather long and involved topic over the course of the semester. The topic is ideally one that I am inherently confused or conflicted by, very interested in, and/or may have a persuasive component.
I have thought of one idea so far. I decided to become a vegetarian at the age of ten. I have changed a lot since I was ten. The world has changed, society has changed, and science has learned a lot more about diet and nutrition in those twelve years. So, knowing what I know now, and what I can learn, would I make the same decision over again? Taking into account all the moral, ecological, philosophical, practical, and dietary considerations, is it still a wise choice? Do some of those criteria count more than others? Should they?
It's something that I think I should re-examine as an intelligent adult even if to yet again come to the conclusion that I don't want to eat meat. Any long held belief should be able to stand up to repeated analysis or it's no longer valid. To quote Baz Luhrman, “Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be.”
Or, you know, maybe I'm not crazy. That's also an option.
Anyway, I think there are a lot of things I could examine and delve into, so I wouldn't get bored. There's the added bonus that I would be writing a 10-20 page paper on two of my favorite things: me and my food!

Sleep well, my angels!
I'm learning how to do receiving at the bookstore tomorrow. YEEE HAW!
By the way, a fathom is six feet deep. I know you were curious.
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