WOWZA! That's alotta sexy! Mostly my sister, I love her a whole heaping lot.
Know what else is sexy? Raccoon hats. Also, awesome people. Specifically awesome people who share their awesomeness with others thereby raising the level of world awesome.
Some examples you say? Let's leave out all the generally awesome individuals who volunteer and sacrifice themselves in thankless jobs and like....donate organs n' stuff...
Let's talk about the ones that have positively made my life better in the last 15 hours or so.
1. Moxie java barista, she serves really shitty coffee out of a confining plywood fire hazard every weekday morning. That sucks. That really sucks. She probably can't even enjoy the fact that she gets free coffee cause it's so freaking gross. But still, she made my morning. I, who pretty much never buy coffee there unless I'm really tired, really desperate, and running really late. She saw, or rather heard in my demonic muppety mucus throat voice, that I was sick this morning and gave me a free muffin. That's awesome.
2. Whitney/Bob/Zoh!e, she is adorable and has peacock colored hair, what is more awesome than that? She played ska on her phone during an employment interview that we ran today. She also had on plaid socks. She, without questioning my motives, followed me on a mindless quest to antique stores and tried on all the funny stuff I told her to. She also unknowingly made fun of beatnik, 'scene' kids and their lousy book taste right in front of a dude reading Camus....priceless. She also skateboards in lingerie and makes fun of me when I eat beans out a skull (What? NO ONE MESSES WITH YOU IF YOU'RE EATING OUT OF A SKULL!). but mostly, what I find awesome about Whitney-bob-zohe is her never-ceasing thirst for knowledge. She is never afraid to ask why or require an explanation of things she doesn't understand or to seek out more random knowledge just for the hell of it. I really love that. She also hung out with my while I sanded and attacked an old step ladder with knives and razor blades. She even stayed around to watch me paint it "Caribbean Holiday".
Why, you may well ask, was I painting an old step ladder "Caribbean Holiday"? Because the "Gypsy Teal" was $3 more expensive. duh.
3. Drive thru guy at Westside Drive-In, (aside: Wow, second drive thru person of the day, something is wrong with my eating habits or right with customer service. Possibly both.) this dude was not only polite and really gorgeous in that not-so-obvious-that-I've-become-a-cocky-nerfurder kind of way. Also, he went out of his way to create a specialty drink for us (raspberry scotch and soda with ginger ale! Delicious!) and he gave us 4 pieces of garlic toast instead of the requisite 3 so we could split the order evenly. Got to love a hot man who digs symmetry and creative beverages.
4. John and Hank Green aka the vlogbrothers aka the founders of Nerdfighteria because they are possibly the coolest strangers I don't know, but feel like I know and want to be friends with. Also, I'm addicted to their vlogs. I just watched three straight hours of vlogbrother material, and if I didn't have to work tomorrow I can't say I would stop here. (check it out n00bs!: http://www.youtube.com/user/vlogbrothers AND http://nerdfighters.ning.com/) You, sirs, are awesome. You are selflessly devoted to sharing your awesome and that, too....is awesome. DFTBA!!! (don't get that, n00b? Go to their website!)
4. John and Hank Green aka the vlogbrothers aka the founders of Nerdfighteria because they are possibly the coolest strangers I don't know, but feel like I know and want to be friends with. Also, I'm addicted to their vlogs. I just watched three straight hours of vlogbrother material, and if I didn't have to work tomorrow I can't say I would stop here. (check it out n00bs!: http://www.youtube.com/user/vlogbrothers AND http://nerdfighters.ning.com/) You, sirs, are awesome. You are selflessly devoted to sharing your awesome and that, too....is awesome. DFTBA!!! (don't get that, n00b? Go to their website!)
aaaaaaand, I'm pretty sure that covers today.
French the llama, that was awesome! (John Green, that was for you)
I almost hit a raccoon in the street while I was riding my bike. As he turned to see the speeding entity coming down the hill at his face, I thought, "Oh hey, you look just like my hat!" and then I went home. No one got hurt. Except the opossum on 65th. I almost cried about that one.
ReplyDeleteYou're adorable.